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Alternate Healing Modalities

My approach acknowledges the benefit of altering one’s perception of this reality in an effort to gain increased perspective through accessing non-ordinary reality. Through the active, self-driven process of hypnosis or through the guided ancient practice of the shamanic journey, our consciousness and awareness of self can be beneficially expanded.


I am a Consulting Hypnotist and was certified by The National Guild of Hypnotists in 2019. Through hypnosis, subconscious patterns of thought and behavior can be altered quite efficiently, given consistent engagement in an individualized course of treatment. Part of my motivation to receive training in hypnosis was that Sigmund Freud utilized hypnosis as part of his trauma treatment approach and I was curious to explore the benefits of increasing one's receptivity to suggestion and past experiences.







I was trained and mentored by a shamanic practitioner and spiritual counselor for five years, who helped me learn to integrate root knowledge of core shamanism within the embedded context of self-realization and spiritual exploration. Shamanism is considered to be the mother of all religions and can increase our awareness of our innate spiritual connection while also helping to remediate traumatic experiences that have led to "soul loss." Through methods like journeying, soul retrieval, connecting with animals of power, and totem building, one can begin to fully connect with oneself and many report a sense of “feeling whole again” and an enhanced sense of spiritual connection.


 If you are interested in participating in shamanic work, please note that we may need to engage in preparatory work to build your container and ability to access and then hold the full compleity of this ancient, perception-altering experience.

"Suffering only shows where you are attached. That is why, to those who are on the path, suffering is grace..." ~ Ram Dass

If you are looking for a different approach, let's discuss next steps.

Contact me to learn more about how hypnosis or shamanic work can enhance your sense of well-being and spirituality.

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